Our application

The current MK Gymnastics Centre has helped to foster the development of countless local, regional, national and international gymnastic champions. It is also of huge benefit to those who do not take part in competitive gymnastics, running a range of sessions for all ages and abilities. The existing centre is a great place to see current and rising stars train side-by-side with toddlers and children who are simply having fun!

Facilities provision at the new Gymnastics and Table Tennis Centre would include:

The application also includes the delivery of new homes on a small part of the site, to comply with planning. Delivered by Thrive Homes, these would include:

Project timeline

Spring 2020: Public consultation on our proposals
Autumn 2020: Planning application submitted
Autumn/Winter 2020: Determination of planning application by Milton Keynes Council
Spring 2021: If approved, construction work commences
2022: Construction complete, facility opens

Find out more

You can read more about our submitted plans, including the full suite of application documents, by clicking here or by visiting the Planning pages of the Council’s website and entering application reference 20/02419/FUL.